At Rpb Consulting we are genuinely interested in our candidates, them as a person and their future career. Renee & Paula take the time to go and meet their candidates personally where it is convenient to them and their work life.
Once a candidate has been met with, our goal is to find them a new role that is suited to there wants, experience and career plan. Renee & Paula are available anytime of the day to call up and seek advice or just for a general chat.
We will ensure that when we have you out on a client interview we will give you all of the tools you need to be successful. If you are out on-site in a temporary assignment we will always stay in touch and be up-to-date with how your assignment is going and support you to excel whilst working with our clients.
If you have any questions regarding your future career prospects or to see what temporary assignments we have on, feel free to call Renee or Paula on 9553 9109 or on their mobile numbers listed on the home page. You will experience a very pleasant, friendly & honest service and you can be comfortable knowing your career prospects are in very capable and genuine hands.

Contact us
Renee Koroi
Phone: 0409 071 011
Paula Baliva
Phone: 0418 420 389